Ten-hut, forward march!
Abundance of mouths to feed
Forces compulsion to load your greed Un-united nations, just lobbyists from hell Solidarity means only with yourself Borrow cash from demeaning regimes Special price for you my fiend Just let the environment derange Our lifestyle must not change Your diamonds fund child armies Your apple was assembled by a slave Punish the third world for all the things you crave White trash are throwing stones again Hijacking every noble point of view Just cause daddy loved his money more than you |
Spoilt beyond any application
Grab your grants, deduction, subtle regulation Social designer will engineer your kin To appease the doubt bound to rise within Ignore the warning sign Death March is on the rise Easter Island globalized Collective omnicide The best profits run guns, drugs or women Feeding our need to kill, escape and whore And we're almost out of oil so let’s start another war Join the anthropogenic denial fest Pejorative for any whistle blow Escalation of commitment is now on show |